It's not easy being orange

"prick hierarchal inland alderman"
"They are two children who show us, through their love of play and their love of the game, that the important thing is taking part and not the result."
ENFP - "Journalist". Uncanny sense of the motivations of others. Life is an exciting drama. 8.1% of total population. |
One day The Buddha is walking along the street when he comes across a hot dog seller on the sidewalk.
"What'll it be, buddy?" the man asks.
The Buddha thinks for a while, "Make me one with everything" he replies.
"Hey there,
I'm having a bad day... how about you?
Consequently, even though I'm like on my last $20, I'm going to go drinking tonight with the boys. So I won't be home for dinner, I'll be drinking my calories instead.
"You are in control. The power is always in your hands to choose what you will do. And if not what you will do, what you will think. Why then choose to think negatively or gloomily. Happiness is a mind-set. You have an open book today to make positive choices and harness the creative powers that lie within the day and within your Self. If you are in a reflective or meditative state of mind, follow that course. This is not only a romantic night but also a creative one. Perfect for romance or doing something nice to your home!"