Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Yeah, right.

From today's horoscope:
"You are in control. The power is always in your hands to choose what you will do. And if not what you will do, what you will think. Why then choose to think negatively or gloomily. Happiness is a mind-set. You have an open book today to make positive choices and harness the creative powers that lie within the day and within your Self. If you are in a reflective or meditative state of mind, follow that course. This is not only a romantic night but also a creative one. Perfect for romance or doing something nice to your home!"

If today is an 'open book', I think I've turned to the chapter titled "Let's Feel Harrassed, Overworked, Under Appreciated and Completely Pissed Off!". My work consists largely of deadlines set by other people, and this week there are three of them. Major ones.

Hey, but on the good side tonight is the night for doing something romantic or nice to my home! Maybe I should take my living room out for dinner and combine the two?...

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