Tuesday, February 06, 2007


I guess in hindsight I was lucky to only have weird-ass dreams, when I could have like shaved my eyebrows off or something.

Check the refrigerator, I think I've been snacking... why else would there be a pizza box in my bed?


Andreas said...

I would've thought it was left there by some pizza delivery guy?

Or does that kind of thing only happen in the movies?

Michael said...

Can I share a recurrent dream that came back last weekend? In it, I come home to find my house thrown open. The garage doors, the windows and it's been ransacked. Some neighbors are standing around, possibly even looting. And I'm not feeling angry or scared, but resigned, because it's happened before and apparently there is nothing I can do but start over. Thanks for listening.

The Other Andrew said...

Laubscher, um, what sort of movies have you been watching?...

Sadly, waiting for hot delivery boys is kind of like waiting to win the lottery. Where there's life there's hope, but the odds aren't good.

"Michael! Hello, this is your subconscious speaking. Feeling like a change?"

Andreas said...

Haha, no comment. I will admit to constantly thinking: "Yes, but is it art?"

The Other Andrew said...

I remember seeing a porn film DECADES ago called "PizzaBoy: He Delivers"... and that's the place I went to. Most definately not ART.