Friday, February 09, 2007

The Bright Side

Sure, I may look like ass today but things aren't all bad. The first interviewee for the position of my repalcement was a no show, and the phone system here is down. We spell that P-E-A-C-E-&-Q-U-I-E-T and W-E-B-S-U-R-F-I-N-G where I come from, and that's a very, very Good Thing.

[Updated: Wow, only one of the three interviews we had lined up for today actually bothered to show up. Amazing. Oh and the one who did show, even though in hindsight she gets like bonus points for appearance, she wasn't really suitable.]


Anonymous said...

You are the sweetest thing A xx

Mikey (TLE) said...

Perhaps a suggestion that they hire you on an increased salary offer is in order ???

Sorry for being a pain at the (again) superlative Hedwig last night. Steve has been wandering around the office humming "Sugar Daddy" today. Amusement.

Anonymous said...

FYI TOA you have complete power restored darling :)it was some line from the house to the road all sorted.

The Other Andrew said...

Yay! Hot showers! Internet! TV!...

Mikey, you were fine. Glad everyone enjoyed the show!

Kenyo said...

What's the software test all about? Do tell. I bet you simply reworked the 'Your Five Factor Personality Profile' from last week's postings.

The Other Andrew said...

Kenyo, we use a piece of bookkeeping software for a large part of the job. I used to be a trainer for this software, so they get me to test people on it. lots of people say they can use it, but they are fibbing! :)