Saturday, February 16, 2008

Holiday. Celebrate. It Would Be So Nice.

(Madge, you really need to work on your sentence structure. If I'm going to quote you, I need to make people understand that I get the whole make a sentence/syntax/adverbs/prepositions deal with the English language.)

My little week long holiday is almost at an end. I kind of have that nagging 'it's Sunday night and back to school tomorrow' feeling in the pit of my stomach. And it's only Saturday! It's ok though, I've enjoyed my little break. I didn't achieve as much as I set out to in a material sense, but then I feel relaxed and more me right now than I did at the start of the week. That's a big something in my book.

Tomorrow is Fair Day, one of the events that kicks of the Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras. So tomorrow's themes will be 'drinking', 'photos', 'cute boys' and possibly even 'photos of cute boys drinking'. I kid! (Mostly.) Another theme will probably be 'sunburn'.

Fair Day is one of my favourite events and it has a great community spirit about it. It's also nice opportunity to catch up with friends, and tomorrow I'll be doing just that. It should be a fun way to round out the end of my holiday.

(Speaking of the having of fun. I hope you checked out my little guest spot on Fabulon earlier today! If not, scooch on over and look for the posts with "Posted by The Other Andrew" on them!)


Unknown said...

Fair Day is my favourite part of the Mardi Gras Festival.
I just hope it stay fine, there is nothing worse than a soggy Fair Day.

yani said...

Not to ruin a perfectly good joke... but isn't the full lyric actually:

(If we took a) Holiday. (Took some time to) Celebrate. It would be so nice.

Although that is a little long for a blog post title

Yes, I know, tragic... going now...

Thombeau said...

Ooh, Madge (or "Vadge", as I like to call her!) didn't actually write that song, so she's not responsible for the lyrics. Only for poularizing and indelibly imprinting them in the deepest recesses of the public psyche.

Thanks again for a great time at Fabulon, missy! Attendance has gone way up, and I'm sure you had something to do with that!

Thombeau said...

Oh yeah, have fun at Fair Day!!! Get lucky, bitch!

jason said...

Mardi Gras?
A week or so late?

I mean I've heard about the water going down the wrong way down there and the seasons and all, but you're all just trying to be contrary.

Madge's mixed up syntax pales just seems to that before.

The Other Andrew said...

Ok, ok, Madge deniers. Don't cloud the issue with facts, m'kay? Didn't anyone ever teach you boys to stomp on somebody's punchline? :)

Jason, our 'Mardi Gras' is unrelated to the New Orleans one. It actually started as a gay rights protest march and has now grown to a two week long cultural festival, parade and dance party. They just took the name Mardi Gras to make it a celebration.