I've always had a soft spot for Rupert Everett. Actually, not just for Rupert but for the whole upper-class English queer oeuvre. Another Country, Brideshead Revisted, Maurice et al. Cricket whites, tea, long lingering looks, cold baths and buggery. Good times, eh?
I'm currently reading Red Carpets and Other Banana Skins, Rupert Everett's autobiography and it is making me fall in love with him all over again. He's such a blend of the physically beautiful, hysterically bitchy, politically incorrect and intelligent.
I'm currently reading Red Carpets and Other Banana Skins, Rupert Everett's autobiography and it is making me fall in love with him all over again. He's such a blend of the physically beautiful, hysterically bitchy, politically incorrect and intelligent.

Cary Elwes (left) and Rupert Everett (right) in "Another Country"
The book is peppered with bon mots, inside goss, scandalous talk about the Stately Homos of England and lots of self deprecating wit, and had me laughing out loud more than a few times on the train this morning.

wow, Maurice... that brings back memories. a wonderful friend of mine insisted we see it about 3 seconds after he came out. or was it just before...? hmmm....
if my terrible memory serves me right, it was 1988, it was the Pitt St cinemas, and I fell for Rupert Graves instantly. he's shorter and not as pretty as Mr Everett but my! those eyes!
I've been wanting to pick up his book for weeks now; I'll do so soon. Rupert has been a long-time crush-O-rama for me as well.
"Another Country" was classic Rupert at his best. His autobiography is both witty and informative, but you get the feeling reading it that he's left out a lot. Big hairy muscle hugs of thanks. Super blog posts, mate.
Speedy, I must admit I fell for Alec Scudder (Rupert Graves) as soon as I saw "Maurice". I love that scene where they are romping around on the bed naked (ahem) and Alec queries why Maurice would want to be with someone all "rough and ugly looking" like himself. It was all I could do not to leap out of my seat and declaim "The hell you say!!". Lovely.
MG, like Buff said you do get the impression that he leaves scads out at times. Legal? Maybe. There's still lots of goss and with though.
Buff, thanks for the comment! Nice to meet you.
Did you not catch him speaking and book signing as part of Mardi Gras? He was being interviewed last Tuesday by Mitzi MacIntosh. I missed it 'cause of Uni, I was so hoping you wouldn't!
Okay - I'm getting this. I saw this at Myer when we were down in Sydney and looked at all the pictures pages. But on your recommendation, it's now on my reading list. :)
The first time I saw Another country I thought.....THATS where I belong, it just felt like home.
And, yes....I know the themes are repression and bullying, so that's not what I mean....but as you said..the aura of the time. What they wore and how they wore it, the architecture etc etc...
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