It's the New South Wales state election tomorrow, so I'm off to vote in the morning. Blech, I'm not particularly happy with any of the choices on offer. It's like being forced to decide between a cup of hot sick, or a cup of cold sick. Neither are that palatable.
Yes, I know there are more than two choices on offer, really I do. In reality I might vote for one of the so called 'lesser' parties, but I can't help feeling that doing that is kind of like throwing away my vote. Backing a horse that's not likely to win.
Sydney has encountered some spectacular failures in the past couple of years. Unpopular and expensive public works (I'm looking at you Cross-City Tunnel) and a wheezing, ailing train system that now has the distinction of being one of the worst in the world. Go us! So, give these jerks a chance to fix it, or go for the alternative, a different bunch of jerks that make me want to claw myself in frustration every time they open their mouths?
Mmmmm. Now let me see, hot or cold?...
[Updated: Ha ha! I think someone has made up their mind already...]
Make you want to claw yourself?
Is that a euphemism?
Ewww, no. Have you seen both of these dudes? That's CLAw not PAW... :)
Ah, like gouging your eyes out?
I get it :-)
Kinda. Now you're on the right track.
Sure, Labour is letting this state fall apart at the seams, but as I see it, a vote for Coalition is even a slight nod towards Howard. Even if it's not a nod, a nothing, I'd prefer to make my vote say a definite "no". Each person gets only one vote, so I'll make it count twice by voting no to both.
After helping to vote in some very unwise choices, then having to live with the resulting changes to education (Terry Metherill, remember him?), etc., I gleefully voted Australian Democrats for several elections, so at least I knew I'd voted to "Keep the Bastards Honest". But then, I began to notice the Democrats couldn't even get enough volunteers to hand out "How to Vote" cards at each polling booth. (I almost volunteered myself!) Then, a few elections ago, they, too, shot themselves in the foot, then in the head. Dunno what I'm going to do tomorrow...
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