Everyone's favourite little big-voiced Italian imp, Australian Idol runner up, and holder of the record for the fastest selling single in Australian history is also now ::drumroll:: openly gay.

Image from The Sydney Morning Herald.
The timing was precipated by an on air slip-of-the-tongue outing by drive-time traffic announcer Vic Larusso, an event which has garnered at least one casualty so far.
Like T.R. Knight from "Grey's Anatomy", I know some of you might think it would be better for him to have done it without this event seeming to have 'forced' him into it, but to his credit he seems to be handling it with style and grace that belies his 24 years. I choose to believe him when he says he was planning on talking about it anyway, even before Larusso's remarks. 24 is still pretty young to make big steps like this, and can only be complicated by fame. The important thing I think is that he's treating it like it's no big deal, and explaining that the denials he made back in 2004 reflect where he was at on his own journey at 21/22, rather than any sense of shame.
Good on you Anthony!
What??? No story credit! Sheesh. For what it's worth, I believe him too. Notwithstanding the strides we have made in the last few years, it must still be a nerve wracking experience, especially (as TOA says) when coupled with fame. Congrats Anthony Callea. So, TOA, does he read your blog? All the best homoxuals do...
Ok, ok. Thanks for putting me on to the story! Sheesh. :)
Time will tell if he reads this I guess. It depends on if he does a vanity search or not...
Anthony Callea gay. In other breaking news, John Howard has eyebrows, the ocean found to contain salty water, and forecasters predict sun will rise in the east.
Yeah, it's not the fact that he IS gay but the fact that he's comfortable being open about it I guess. A friend of mine saw him in a restaurant once years ago and he left no doubt in this friend's mind that he was gay...
PS: you're such a cynic!! :)
Stil, yes, haha! I concede it was hardly breaking news. To invoke a hackneyed metaphor: still undiscovered tribes in the Amazon knew that Anthony Callea was "family"
The drumroll was supposed to be ironic btw...
Yay! :) There ya go. Go Anthony!
Yeah, all pretty “common knowledge” I guess. Though the cynic in me still wonders how “comfortable” he actually is, given that the timing was thrust upon him — so to speak.
Given the rather bitchy continuation of the outing by Queerpenguin and the subsequent he lied to me so he deserves it post, I’m still suspecting more of a damage limitation exercise — particularly as it was run thru a news agency (AAP) rather than, say, a media conference.
The story wasn't "run through a newsagency", it was via an interview conducted by the Herald Sun in Melbourne. The AAP story was a re-write so the Fairfax Press could run it without having to attribute it to News Limited.
PS... good on him.
Oh, James, please don’t trouble me with the truth — especially if it prevents me thinking the worst of human nature. ;)
I wanna hug him!
But, oh, that song.
Hah, Stil just used a variant on my favourite "Don't cloud the issue with facts." line.
Kieth, it's the 'pocket rocket' nature of the little imp, right? "That song"? Am I guessing his cover of "The Prayer"? Like or hate? Popular with the grannies.
Aha oh crap, i am a grannie ;)
I have just had a 45 minute run after my nightshift. Argh of to the showers! Goodnight Andrew.
Have a nice day!
*off (to the showers)
and *Keith
Yes, pocket gays own me.
That voice out of that face/body is a pleasing surprise, but I think that song (and his take on it) are unfortunate.
He's kind of like an operatic Mini Me.
Anthony is cute as - too cute to be straight. :P
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