If you think I started my work day this morning by trawling for more Luke MacFarlane pics... well, you'd be right. You can go ahead and paint
Obsessive on my forehead right now. As an addenda to my
Luke MacFarlane post the other day, I bring you pics of Luke from the 2005 series "Over There".

Butchy McButcherton! Some guys just don't look good with a close cropped buzz cut, but this ain't one of them.

Sigh, I need a moment to collect myself. Chat amongst yourselves while I pull myself together (so to speak).
::hands you a tissue::
Danke. Got a few there?
Sure. And mazel tov.
That chin dimple! Oy gevalt.
Wow, what a cutie! I was a bit "ho-hum" on the other photos, you know I like my objects of lust a little chunkier, but these ones... hubba hubba. Probably the haircut and uniform...
GI Joe all of a sudden, right?
Mikey (TLE)! These are sehr hot, no question, but the only thing ho-hum about those other photos are what I'd be and what I'd do to him, given half a chance.
(See what I did there?) ;-)
That makes you a HO who can supply a HUMMER, right? For thos playing along at home.
oh my. oh my indeed.
I love it when you put me in context.
And I so want the TOA home game!
I still keep coming back to my own blog, just for another look...
Haha, another tribute to Luke?
Andrew, you do know I have over 17,000 pics of Luke. :)
But of course, you would know that if you had join my mailing list. :P
Maintainer of Luke MacFarlane Fansite
Sweet Jeebus! 17,000? (Did I call myself obsessive?...)
OK, I'm home tonight and I'll sign up. My work blocks Yahoo! It'll be nice to sign up for something other than skanky Yahoo! porn groups for a change...
LoL :P
Well, in due time, my Yahoo fansite will be moving to an unofficial fansite permanent website fixture but for now, it's just a discussion place. :) Plus I'm the only and biggest fansite of all things Luke related. :)
Maintainer of Luke MacFarlane Fansite
um, hello hotness!!! Rawr!
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