Monday, February 27, 2006

I Heart Fat Fighters

She's sort of the Mother Theresa of weight loss leaders.

Marjorie Dawes, my hero.


worldpeace and a speedboat said...

ooooh, you're kidding? it's the bit of Little Britain I like the least. we fast forward through her on the DVDs...

Bodhi said...

Dust. Anybody? No? High in fat, low in fat? Dust. Anybody? No? Dust. Anybody? No? Dust. Anybody? No? Dust. Anybody? No? Dust. Anybody? No? Dust. It's actually very low in fat. You can have as much dust as you like

The Other Andrew said...

Speedy, Marjorie is one of the highlights for me! J'adore.

Bodes, well said.

worldpeace and a speedboat said...

I love the two Ladies (well, perhaps little lady testiclays) and Ann.

oooh and Anthony Head as the PM. but who doesn't after last weeks episode?