This came via Larry at
The Love Lemming. (If you haven't read his blog, go do so
immediately. It's fantastic.)
So here's the drill. As part of this meme you get to request 5 questions from me. Just read the instructions at the bottom of post and send me a comment requesting some questions. Please be patient, it may take me a day or so to post your questions in the comments.1) Have you made the world a better place?Alright, starting with the big questions!
I would sincerely like to think so. I'm trying very hard to live a compassionate and ethical life, and by doing so to play my part in trying not to cause suffering for others, and to also try and reduce the causes of suffering. I don't just mean suffering at the gross level, hardship etc, but subtler forms of mental suffering as well. Anger, jealousy etc. In Buddhist terms you harm yourself when anger, hatred, jealousy, and other negative emotions, arise.
One of the things that initially drew me to Buddhism, and is at the core of Buddhist teachings, is the focus on compassion teamed with wisdom. Caring about others, and having the wisdom to do it in a skillful way. At risk of getting all theological, the type of Buddhist school I belong to is called Mahayana, and is primarily concerned with working towards liberation from suffering for all sentient beings. The first step of this is tidying up your own mind; so that your habits of judging, anger, desire etc are reduced. It's an ongoing process, but understanding how everyone responds to kindness, warmth and affection helps reinforce that we are all more alike than we are different.
2) Who is your favorite Firefly character?There's actually a few, but I think if I had to name one it would be Wash, the pilot. I find him cute as a button, and I love his mix of vulnerability and wiseass.
I have a soft spot for Jayne too, not least of which because I think Adam Baldwin is hot, but his character also has some great quirks. Just so you don't think it's all about the guys, I also love Kaylee. For me she is the 'heart' of the show in many ways.
3) Where is your least favorite place to be kissed?Um, I actually had to think real hard about this because there are few places that I can think of that I haven't enjoyed being kissed... I guess, maybe the back of the neck if I'm feeling ticklish. Maybe I should ask for volunteers to test the theory?
4) If you could replace a single body part with a new one of your choosing, what part would it be?Jeez, just one? OK. This will make me seem like I have 'short man syndrome', but I'd replace my legs with a slightly longer model. I'm only 5'4" and don't mind being this height, but sometimes it's just inconvenient. Supermarket shelves for instance... oh, and that time I had a 6'5" boyfriend, all number of inconveniences there.
5) What is your favorite song? Ack, this is hard. It changes quite often.
I think 'True Colours' by Cindi Lauper would have to be it, if I must name just one. I think it's a beautifully written song, and I love the sentiments of it. I've heard other singers cover it and it doesn't quite have the same effect, it has to be Cindi's vulnerable, slightly plaintive singing for me. (I love 'Time After Time' from the same album also.)
Does that make me sound sappy? So be it!
Now your turn!Instructions:1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below saying “Interview me.” (”Blow me” or “Eat me” are not acceptable substitutes.)
2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person’s will be different. I’ll post the questions in the comments section of this post.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.