Sunday, August 31, 2008

One Perfect Lily

When I went outside into my courtyard yesterday I noticed that the first lily of the season had opened its little face to the sun. Hey there happy face! Some people think these lilies are a bit, I don't know, funereal? Maybe? I don't think so though, I think they are happy flowers and I love their sculptural form.

One Prefect Lily

Just to show that Winter hasn't entirely quit the scene yet, today was rainy and a bit stormy so this lily is not showing quite the sunny disposition that it was yesterday. I love the way water beads on the big waxy petals though, so it was nice to shoot these slightly more dramatic shots this afternoon.

One Perfect Lily

I guess every happy face has a tear now and then!


yani said...

Gorgeous shots... I'm with you on the lily... either of those shots are a large scale piece of wall art waiting to happen...

But did you mean "Prefect Lily" or "Perfect Lily"? :P

James said...

the colour on the second pic is a bit cold... but they're both gorgeous shots.

The Other Andrew said...

The first shot was taken in the morning, and the second shot was late afternoon. I kind of like the light difference, but yes the second one is much cooler!

Anonymous said...

these lilies are growing wild behind my house, along the river banks. With the still water (my part of the river is an ox-bow), it looks very ethereal in the morning light.