While I'm on the topic of things knitting related, here's a pic of my friend Judy's latest work in progress. I refer to Judy as the sock knitting demon with good reason.
Purdy, non? The colours, the pattern, it's got it all going on. And yes, those bare toeses will eventually be encased and snug as 5 bugs in a rug. Just in case you were wondering.
Jeebus, you know I actually had to go and check when you made that comment about Miss E's link Jodie. Crap. This sounds lame but I thought I had her listed under Sydney Blogstars... maybe I screwed up the link when I updated my template. I'll fix it. Miss E could take me in a fight any day, so I'd better. :) I'll email you.
woooh the colours! the pattern! delicious!
I know! So pretty. She's about a third of the way through the second in the pair now. Fabbo.
I love the socks!!! Please please where does one get a pair of such socks?
Please please where does one get a pair of such socks?
Sadly I think one knits them for oneself is the answer. ;P
email me TOA for your alpaca. MissE seems to have misplaced your phone number, as you misplaced her link. ;-)
jodiesorrell at yahoo.com.au
Jeebus, you know I actually had to go and check when you made that comment about Miss E's link Jodie. Crap. This sounds lame but I thought I had her listed under Sydney Blogstars... maybe I screwed up the link when I updated my template. I'll fix it. Miss E could take me in a fight any day, so I'd better. :) I'll email you.
good god man! you're on to socks already! you knitting rock star.
No, Amy these are the work of my friend Judy!
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