Adam and his colt Archie.
Walkely Award winning photo by Steven Siewert - Fairfax.
I was really keen to read it, having first been introduced to Adam's story in the "Australian Story" episode Since Adam Was A Boy. A true life story of a rough and tumble young cowboy growing up gay, having a stint in prison for drink driving and vehicular manslaughter, running away from his sexuality, and eventually coming through it all to acceptance and peace. Along the way he makes friends with with Orlando Bloom, Heath Ledger and Naomi Watts on the set of the movie "Ned Kelly", and Heath's role in "Brokeback Mountain" creates a catalyst for Adam to decide to publicly tell his story. An improtant thread running through the book is the lack of gay role models that Adam had, ones which showed that there are many gay men and women who are far outside the stereotypes presented in the media. Deciding to present his own story was a way of reaching out to other isolated gay people, and to challenge the stereotypes the rest of us might have.
It took a little while for the book to get going, but once the story turns to the tragic car accident, Adam's time in prison and then later as he starts to deal with his sexuality, it becomes a very moving read. I shed a tear more than once. I really recommend it, and it would be an excellent book for any young gay person to read in particular.
[Here's a link to the Sydney Morning Herald review.]
[Updated: I discovered that Adam and Neil will be appearing at Gleebooks in Glebe, here in Sydney, 6.30pm on Thursday evening the 12th of April. Tickets are $10 and are available by phone on 9660 2333. Mikey and I are going along.]
Hi Andrew, here's the mp3 of the hour-long radio interview with Adam I mentioned.
I saw this book in the shop the other day and wondered what it'd be like. Looks like I'll have to add it to my list. I love a good tear jerker
James, thaks for the link!
Nash, who doesn't lobe a good tear jerker, right? The odd manful cry does you good. :)
lobe? Er, "love" I meant.
lobe a good ear jerker?
Ha! :)
I looked at the book in the shop and it seemed more horsey than Gay. I don't like horsey but I do like Gay. What percentage horsey is it?
Small % horsey, really. Single digit I would think. It's only in the context of how he discovered something non-judgemental to talk to when he was struggling with his sexuality, and then later explains how he met Heath Ledger etc.
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