Monday, November 05, 2007


This weekend was so amazing, so full of laughter, excitement, time with friends, new possibilities, and good times that I need to break it down into manageable chunks. Into installments. Even just to fully process it, let alone write about it. Here's a little bit about Saturday. The day began with a flying visit to see my friend Spyder and help celebrate her son AJ's 3rd birthday. Spyder now lives in Melbourne, so I don't get to see her anywhere near enough, but we'd already made arrangements for a certain lovely lady's birthday party before I knew Spyder was going to be in town. So after popping in to see AJ we headed on over to Linda's party.

Saturday was Linda's birthday party, and even though it was a grey and rainy day which meant changing Linda's original plan for a picnic, we were able to relocate everything to our beloved Green Park Hotel, and so "Alice" got her "Madhatter's Tea Party" after all.

Mad Hatter

Essential tools of the trade for a Mad Hatter.

It was a wonderful afternoon, with lots of laughter, yummy nibbly bits and champers. Lots of champers. We started at 1.30, and I think it was about 8pm when we staggered and rolled walked out of there. Everyone had a great time, and the hotel very kindly let us do our own thing and basically take over a huge chunk of their space for the afternoon.

Here's Cheers! Show Me The Bling
Here's Cheers! (L) and Alice, show me the bling! (R)

Libations The White Rabbit
Libations (one of many - L) and Nat is The Sexy White Rabbit (R)

Getting Lit ...And Blow
Light 'em up (L) and blow! (R) (PS. Please ignore the number, thx.)

The Boys
Awwww, sweet. Evan and Mikey make nice for the camera.

Drunken Croquet With Alice Obstacle Course Croquet
The rarely known sequel "Drunken Croquet With Alice" by Lewis Carroll (L) and the croquet obstacle course (R)

Tinselman Glitterboy
Tinselman (L) and Glitterboy (R). Gay as.

What... ...Ever
"What - Ever!" said Alice.

[Click any of the pics to go to Flickr and see them full size, and the full set is here.]


Thombeau said...


I had a remarkable weekend, too. The planets must have been properly aligned!

The Other Andrew said...

Do tell liebchen!

The planets must have been properly aligned!

I think you might be right. Uranus ascendant is my guess. (Can I just say, that joke NEVER gets old.)

yani said...

Okay, I got as far as the first photo and thought "I didn't know Dame Edna was at the Mad Hatter's Tea Party"... :P