Thursday, November 23, 2006

Cautionary Tale

When emailling one's ex-boyfriend, first be careful to check the email address. In order to avoid the embarrassment of accidentally sending someone, with the same name, who works in your large organisation (a Big Christian Charity say, for example) the email intended for said ex-boyfriend.

Here endeth the lesson.


Sunshine said...

Omg, what was in that email? Now I'm intrigued. :P

Ur-spo said...

well that's cryptic but the point is good.
I tend to write everything as if someone may someday circulate it!
I hope you were not hurt.

The Other Andrew said...

Naw, fortunately it was a fairly innocuous email about going to see the movie "Shortbus" again. I had to laugh when the guy emailed me back saying "what's a Shortbus?"...

Well, you see it's this movie where people... never mind.

Michael said...

Now I'm feeling patriotic again.

O'er the land of the free!

The Other Andrew said...

Yeah, God bless America!

It's the movie that single-handedly made me consider going back to yoga.

worldpeace and a speedboat said...

oooooh! how potentially scandalous!