Sunday, December 18, 2005


As I mentioned in my previous post, last night was the annual Chrissie Pissie at Speedy's house. I didn't take a lot of photos this year, some, but not any that are really blog worthy. No shots of the lush backyard this year. Speedy and her mum have just started the process of re-creating the beautiful backyard which had to be sacrificed for the building of house extensions.

It was a lovely afternoon. Despite the age differences, most of the kids are now old enough that once the initial shyness was overcome they were all able to play together. They're a nice bunch of kids, well behaved for the most part and too charming to ever get too taxing.

Surly Santa did his duty again this year and handed out the $15 Crap Presents. Once handed out we go one by one around the circle opening our gifts, so that everyone can see what you got. I got a tiny remote controlled tank this year (which I accidentaly left behind I realised this morning) which elicited a smile from Karinne when I announced "Hey, I got something that promotes agression!".

Highlight of the party, as always, was sitting with friends and talking. Catching up. I had a wonderful conversation that went long into the night about faith, morality, civility and ethics. I was especially touched by comments a few others made about family, and how this big circle of friends is a form of family, and about change and how we choose accept it. These are good people, and I'm glad I know them.


Sunshine said...

Hey, if you're a top - it'd be like tank top. LOL. ...okay, I'm a bit tired. :P

The Other Andrew said...

Hah! :-)

Those that know me might be more inclined to opt for Tank Girl.

Michael said...

Families come in many guises, don't they? I take no small measure of comfort from that.

Michael said...

My last comment is trapped in some blogspot vortex. The post shows three comments, but only two appear. Until you click to comment, then they're all there. Fascinating. Well, to me.

Michael said...

Well, now they're all there, so that last one makes no sense.

word ver: hcuze

The Other Andrew said...

I noticed that comment weirdness, said "3" but only showed 2... Glad it showed up eventually. Yes, families do come in many guises. That's especially pertinent to many gay men I think, our circles of friends often become like family.

worldpeace and a speedboat said...

my parents always said, you can't choose your family, but you can choose your friends, so go off and make some good ones. and we have! I count myself lucky because I get the good (genetic) family too.

have you checked out the thing Coz posted at FB! this morning? v cute.