Monday, June 27, 2005

Can I Have Another Weekend Please?

Jeebus, here it is Monday and I really could use another weekend.

Much of the weekend was hoot-worthy, especially drinkies with Bodhi on Friday night (if you were at the Newtown Hotel on Friday night, we were the two sober guys drinking our own body weight in Diet Cokes and Lemon Squash) and going for a dusk walk through a cemetary with two beautiful and sweet Rhodesian Ridgeback dogs in tow. I also did some volunteer work at the Buddhist centre, ran the bookshop at a workshop on 'Unlocking the Addiction Trap' given by one of our senior nuns, and helped some friends try and sort out the bookkeeping mess they have found themselves in.

None of it was onerous or hard work but it meant I had precious little 'me, sofa & television' time. Sofa, television, I miss you guys. ::sniff::

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