Sunday, July 13, 2008

God Bless Deutschland!

On account of the belligerent home pc I've mentioned previously, I've been enjoying the delights of the local grungy internet place. The upside is a pretty fast internet connection which has allowed me to spend more time on sites that are torturously slow to load at home, like youtube. Mostly I've been listening to fab old 80s pop songs, but today I discovered the joys of Germany's soap opera, Verboten Leibe (Forbidden Love).

From what I can gather from the clips posted on youtube (and there are many) Christian and Oliver are two flatmates, who advertise for a third flatmate, Judith. Judith has relationship issues of her own, but everything pales into comparison to the (titular forbidden) love story unfolding between the two boys. One gay and one, well, closeted as it turn out.

Anyhoo, let's cut to clips of hot boys making out like they really mean it! Seriously, these boys look like they are having a hell of a good time, and it's all quite romantic. The clips are somewhat NSFW obviously, unless your workplace doesn't mind The Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name playing out in glorious technicolour.

I think this mushy one is my favourite. Christian and Oliver get romantic, and bit hot and heavy, to the soaring strings of "Heaven". Love is all that I need, and I found it there in your arms, apparently.

Sweet. Now excuse me I have another 59 clips or so to watch...


Mel said...

Wie schöne Liebe! Wie schöne Männer!

Michael said...

I've seen some clips from this show at AfterElton, but this....THIS was by far the best, A. From the first tinkling notes of "Heaven" it was fantastic. So funny. And sweet (!), of course.

mrpeenee said...

Watching gay German soft core must make you the absolute hit of the grungy internet place.

Ray Ray said...

That is so sweet~cheezy, but sweet.

The Other Andrew said...

So we're in agreement right? Who knew the Germans could bust out and get so romantische? Yay!

Oh, and Peener, don't forget I live in a homotastic 'hood. For fun I like to check and see if people haven't cleared out their web surfing history. Yup, gaydar and manhunt usually make the list.