Monday, June 04, 2007

Weekend Recap - The Extended Mix

This weekend was so fabulously fabulous that there is just too much to contain in one, or even two, posts! (Expect lots of adjectives.)

I've already filled you in about the early Saturday morning making of the world's campest cupcakes. Then I've tantalised with a few glimpses of Nat's cocktail soiree on Saturday afternoon. But in my eagerness to show you all the pretty pictures I'm already leaping ahead of myself.

We begin our tale on a Friday eve, a Friday eve like any other. Like any other that is that involves meeting up with Graeme and James, drinking lots of beer, watching drag shows at The Imperial Hotel and developing a spontaneous synchronised seated dance routine to "Blame It On The Boogie" by The Jackson Five. I guess you had to be there, because it all made perfect sense at the time.

(James's has posted about the evening also.)

Saturday I've kind of covered to a point. I only had about 4 hours of sleep, thanks to a roughly 3am home time Friday night and my crap ability to sleep in. I spent some of the late morning trying desperately to pass the 4 hour point, but to no avail. Surprisingly I wasn't too hung over, despite drinking for Australia the previous night.

After the cupcake making and the later afternoon cocktail soiree, Mikey (the lovely ex) and I headed off to the farewell party for Spyder & Gordon. It was a fantastic evening, and very enjoyable even though it was so thoroughly tinged with sadness at saying au revoir les enfants to good friends. (The Cristal champagne helped ride the rough spots. Anyway, who can be sad when there's Hello Kitty around?) Lots of our extended circle of friends were there, and it was great to catch up and share some laughs with folks I hadn't seen for a while. It was one of those parties where you spend 90% of your time in the kitchen chatting, so mush so that at one point some of the boys dragged the sofa in for us. Likewise, it all made perfect sense at the time.

Despite getting home at 2am I was up bright and early Sunday morning. (Seriously, I need to stop blogging about my crap sleep patterns. Like for realz.) So I figured I'd put the time to good use and go and have the underwear shopping spree I had planned, and I headed into the Broadway Shopping Centre.

I decided to swing by and see what was on at the cinemas because I had been meaning to see The History Boys for weeks. (More info about the film on imdb.) As it turns out it was down to one session a day, due to start in 10 minutes. Oh man, I loved it. It probably deserves a post of its own, but suffice to say I am Posner, except for the beautiful singing voice. (Not that I let that stop me from singing Bewitched, Bothered & Bewildered all the way home.)

Post movie the underwear shopping was completed at Target, and my favourites were even on sale. Thank you Universe! I had a bit of a wander around the shopping centre, then strolled home to collect my things in time to go to Sunday arvo pub knitting. Yet more beer. Yet more laughs. It was a really great afternoon of chatting and knitting with a great set of people.

Thank you for your patience, that now brings us to Sunday evening where the usual Sunday evening tv viewing (Ugly Betty & Grey's) rounds out our weekend experience. Phew. Give yourselves a round of applause for staying the distance.

And you?

[Observant readers will notice something lacking from this recap. Yes, the planned booty call did not happen on account of a scheduling conflict. BOO! Anyway, frankly I don't know where I would have found the time. Make this quick, the meter's running.]


Cecilia said...

Sorry I missed Sunday afternoon knitting/drinking. I decided to be noble and stay home to do about a billion loads of laundry. There were other plans involving scrubbing bath tubs and things that didn't exactly happen...
The cup cakes are amazing!
And I've been meaning to go see "The History Boys" so I'm galad to hear that you enjoyed it.

The Other Andrew said...

Cecilia, you were missed! The beer garden was packed, we had to sit all the way around the side on a small table. How rude. Still, we had a lovely time.

Thanks for the comment on the cupcakes! And yes, hurry and see The History Boys before it finishes. I plan on getting the DVD when it's out.

worldpeace and a speedboat said...

hey TOA! totally off topic - could you ask Q60 where she got her tattoo from? a friend would like to know of a good artist and I thought hers was lovely - but I can't find her on Flikr any more. I know we discussed one of her tatt pics there.

The Other Andrew said...

Speedy I believe it was done by Dean at Steel Lotus. That's where my flatmate has had all of his ink done too.

Destructomeg said...

Classic Dialogue from Saturday Night

*group of tipsy people playing with a camera. Usual silly shots and the hand-held-in-front-of-face pics*
"Everyone loves girl on girl action"
*giggles, agreement, and then a tiny dissenting voice*
TOA "Not everyone"

The Other Andrew said...


I'm ALWAYS the voice of reason.