Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Fog & Mist

Last weekend Morgan and I were in Canberra for the wedding of two friends, and on the Sunday we spent some time hanging out at the National Gallery. I love the Sculpture Garden at the gallery, but had never been there before between 12 noon and 2 pm when the Fog Sculpture by Fujiko Nakaya was playing.

Mist Sculpture 1
Originally uploaded by Other Andrew.

These photos don't really do it justice, because the reality is quite magical. The fog settles amongst the trees and descends into the shallow depression around the artificial lake, changing the mood of the landscape entirely.

Mist Sculpture 4
Originally uploaded by Other Andrew.

The Sculpture Gallery has quite an extensive collection of works, and Morgan and I both also fell in love with the floating sphere sculpture Diamonds by NZ artist Neil Dawson:

Sphere 1
Originally uploaded by Other Andrew.

Morgan's atmospheric photos of Diamonds are here.


dani said...

i love the sculpture garden. do they still have the restaurant? it's a perfect place in summer - running through the mist cools you down perfectly.

DV said...

It seems as though you and Morgan and Tops, Mouse and myself did pretty much the same things on Sunday. I've chatted about some of it on my other blog (go to my profile and it's listed there after ForBattle) and even have some wanky photos on my flickr thingy.

How very synchronised!

Michael said...

I love Sphere 1.

OK, can you lose the illusion for me? What's up with it?

The Other Andrew said...

It's a steel mesh sphere that's suspended in the middle of about a dozen very fine wires. In most light you can barely see the wires and it looks like it's floating. I really like it.

MrSnerg said...

Wow! When did those fog sculptures appear? And the sphere? They look excellent! It's a reason to actually visit canberra. Who would have thought?

The Other Andrew said...

Mr Snerg, the fog sculpture thingy was installed in 1977! I never knew it was thre either...

MrSnerg said...

77 you say? Cor that's embarressing! I wonder what else is there that I've missed!!?