Originally uploaded by Other Andrew.
The stores are full of the heavy coats, knits and somber colours of Winter, while people stroll past in shorts and singlet tops. Sales are starting already. The nights are getting much cooler, but the days are beautiful. The sea is still quite warm, and the beaches are full.

Originally uploaded by Other Andrew.
In the notorious way that it sometimes happens in Spring and Autumn here, next week this all might change and it'll be wet and cold. I kind of like that changeable nature of these two seasons. It's sort of a lucky dip on a grand scale.

Slippery When Wet
Originally uploaded by Other Andrew.
These photos were all taken last weekend, late afternoon as the warmth of the day slid casually towards a pleasantly cool evening. Morgan and I spent the day and evening with my friend Stephen who was visiting from Bisbane, and in the afternoon we did the stroll from Coogee beach to Clovelly. I took quite a few photos, as did Morgan. It was a great way to spend an afternoon, and the pathways were full of people making the best of it. In the evening Morgan cooked dinner for the three of us, and we hung out and watched a DVD, and enjoyed each other's company.
As much as I love the colours of Autumn, I hope this Indian summer stays around for a while yet.
Lovin' the Slippery When Wet photo, TOA. The dying light makes me come across all Dylan Thomas: Do not go gentle into that good night, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. And the way you have captured the action of the water in the background looks cool.
Anyhoo, Slippery When Wet, Great pic! - not to mention classic 80's album, luv ya work Jon :-)
Good Morning i am finally awake. I do like that pic TOA already commented earlier via Flickr.
Oh i am really loving some of the winter coats. Silly me tried on a beautiful Italian wool and cashmere in a chocolate colour that is so beautiful *sigh* but i can't justify the cost to wear it up here - of course if i could find a reason to be in good old Sydney, well..... :) *dreaming*
andrew, prey do tell: how do you blog multiple images in one post? i've always wanted to do that, and it would save me so much time but i haven't a clue.
and yes absolutely loving this weather.
I would like to repeat Dani's question.
I can get multiples in but I can't write niuce descriptions under them and the blog page xdecides where they go and pushes the writing around.
Dani & Miss E,
If you are posting pics from Flickr, I open up 2 browser sessions and have one signed in as Flickr and one signed in as Blogger. As soon as I post each pic to Blogger, I go into the Edit Posts screens and save each one as Draft. Then I go into each one and copy the code from Flickr and paste them all into one entry. Then I type text in, add extra lines etc. If you use the Preview option you get a bit of an idea how it looks.
If I'm using the blogger 'post picture' button instead of Flickr, the important thing I find is to use the 'Center' option, to stop text wrapping around the image (unless of course you want that) - and I like to use the medium of large size.
Miss E, I need to show you how to add isdebar links too, so maybe we could get together one weeked and I'll show you.
sounds like a plan TOA!
Let me know when you are free and we will see what we can do.
Deal. Bring chocolate mousse. I work for chocolate mousse.
I am still awaiting a report on the last choc mousse!!!!
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