So, it's mid afternoon of a not very productive day. I'm taking tomorrow off work to do a couple of blah blahboring medical appointmentsblah blah and then it's the weekend! Yay. I'm not planning on doing much, I have lots of housework to do, there's the knitting of course, and a couple of social outings. Nice. Relaxing. I could really use a bit of teh secks, but who knows what the fates may deliver?
I'll put my thinking cap on about this blog over the weekend, because it seems a bit lacklustre of late. The lustre, it is lacking. Even a few of my old frequent commentors have gone awol, in search of actual entertainment perhaps. I don't normally plan this blog, it's more organic. (Which is maybe why it whiffs a bit every now and then.)
Oh, and if you feel like asking me a question or making a suggestion, go right ahead. I draw the line at nekkidity, but aside from that any suggestions will be given thoughtful consideration.
Perhaps if you would be more open to nekkidity, you'd be getting more of teh secks. At least, the former is usually more conducive to occurrence of the latter. Just sayin'.
Ah I see. Mmmm, interesting.
Actually I spent a large part of the morning flirting on Ravelry, and who knew such a thing was possible? Ok, I knew sexy male knitters was possible (present company included, natch) but the flirting thing was a pleasant surprise! Shame they all live over the other side of the planet...
Actually, I'm finding I enjoy blogs which record the daily activities and thoughts of the author, even if sometimes mundane, more than the adult rated blogs.
i never find you blog dull so I don't have any suggestions.
Hot male dancers are always good. In any situation.
Just sayin'.
If every day was just a big bag of fun, it wouldn't be as much fun was if it wasn't. Hmmm, that made sense when I thought it, not sure about how I typed it. ;-) Let's try again. It's nice to know that even those who live the glamourous life have a bit of humdrum thrown in too, because that makes the glam more glamourous. Something like that.
Don't change a thing, Bobby, you're perfect just the way you are.
How about some Aussie Bum ass crack shots? Just saying.
I kid. Sweetums I am a delinquent 'commentor' here. I sorta feel you 'know' I'm stopping by for a taste here and there.
I really need to get more active and engaged; it's that whole lazy bottom thang that sorta takes over from time to time.
Organic is fine by me, it gives an insight into someone's life. And your sense of humour lifts it above the mundane.
I'm still here, just not commenting as much. Teh work gets in teh way. I like your blog - your humour especially. And watch that flirting on Rav - my life in Aus began with flirting on a lesbian email list.
your lustre (love a good Britishism!)
is just fine.
(but a few hot male dancers, as thom points out, never hurt anyone.)
poo stinks but they say it's good for you when thrown on veggies.
the organicness of your blog is what keeps us coming back. Don't change a thing, lovee!
I like your blog as it is. Maybe it's "time for a change" on your end, and that's fine. but otherwise i likey.
You are funny. I have taken a vacation from my blog and my crafts lol!, I will be back with passion. The best advice is do what you like, write about your thoughts and let life guide you. I like your blog no matter what!
Hey thanks for all the sweet comments and feedback everybody! Let's just call it a small crisis of confidence, shall we? :)
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