Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Exciting New Projects

It's probably no surprise to you, given how picture heavy it's been of late around here, that photography has really become my one major hobby these days. I've been taking lots of pics over the past few years, but that has really increased this year with getting a better camera and participating in Flickr.

So I have a couple of photography projects I'm really excited about. Remember the other day when I posted a quick poll to see which picture I should choose? Well that exhibition starts next Wednesday here in Sydney.
Date: Wednesday, 6th September
Venue: Cafe Giulia
Location: 92 Abbercrombie Street, Chippendale, Sydney.
Time: 6.30 - 8pm

If you're a Sydney local, please consider coming along to say "Hi" and check out all the pretty pictures. I know all the photographers involved, and there will be some great looking pics. It's a little scary, the concept of hanging one of your babies on the wall for all to see. By now I've fallen in love, out of love, back in love (rinse, repeat) with the picture I've chosen to submit. Aaargh. Anyhoo I'm very much looking forward to the event.

Project number two is something I just decided on last night. The Buddhist centre I attend is having an open day in early October, part of the celebration of the completion of our new centre. We had a committee meeting last night and I suggested that we have a Buddhist themed art & photography exhibition as part of the open day event. So now I've started to organise that, and send out the word to people who might be interested. The room we have set aside is lovely, part of the old Victorian part of the building. White walls, high moulded ceilings, picture rails and directional downlights - all perfect for this purpose. If anyone reading this is a Sydney local and might be interested in participating, hit me up with an email!


worldpeace and a speedboat said...

so which photo did you end up choosing? I'm sure it was the chrome. now you just forget about it and it will be fresh in your head when you go to see it hung.

can anyone rock up to the opening night or is it invite only?

The Other Andrew said...

Yeah, it was the chrome bars I decided on in the end. Anyone can rock along - come on, you know you want to!

worldpeace and a speedboat said...

coo, bananas. that would be like having a social life and going out and stuff! ;-)