Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Celebrate Good Times (C'mon)

Oh man, I had a hoot of a time last night. My friend Judy asked me out for dinner to celebrate my birthday, and we collected her friend Elizabeth along the way to make it a trio. Judy and Elizabeth have been friends for many years, and it was the first time I had met her.

The three of us got along like a house on fire, and they kept me entertained with outrageous stories and anecdotes over dinner (for example, ever wondered what it is like to go on a blind date with a man with no hands?). And you know what? These sorts of stories are just that much funnier when the story teller has a posh English accent. I don't know why, but it's true. A couple of bottles of wine, lots of laughs and some yummy Thai food, and it made for a great night.

Tonight I'm having birthday celebrations dinner Part 2 with Mikey (the lovely ex). 43 ain't so bad after all.


Thombeau said...

"You're gonna make it after all..."


Ur-spo said...

many happy returns on this feast day of your nativity.

M-H said...

Crikey - I was busy yesterday and missed congratulating you on this milestone! Happy happy happy and many more to come!!

Cecilia said...

I think we need to know what it's like to go on a blind date with a man with no hands!

mrpeenee said...

He better have a really strong tongue.

happy birthday. Crikey.