Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What Every Home Needs

If you're a fireman. Or a stripper. Or one of those 'fireman' strippers!

From "Home Planning and Design", 1973. More delicious retro decorating zaniness in the Flickr photoset Your Swingin' Pad by Miss Retro Modern. It gets kind of scary.

[Link via things magazine.]


Thombeau said...

Scary, indeed! And you'll recognize a few of those rooms from Fabulon!

(And by the way, I could use a fireman's pole right about now...)

The Other Andrew said...

...not to mention the hose. Yeah, I can relate. :)

Michael Guy said...

Betch I could so swing my coconuts 'round that pole! Think of the hours of entertainment and the dollars saved on cologne by not going out.

So I get the pole for fast, downward access but how does one go back up?

The Other Andrew said...

Hey MG, I could join you and we could a whole "Showgirls" vibe going!

Michael Guy said...

Oh, love..viewing SHOWGIRLS with you and a pitcher of COSMOs is a must-do adventure.

"I'm NOT a WHORE! I'm a DANCER!" Nomi Malone is my idol. Yep.

Just a talking point: I imagine, based on your own height references, doll, that you would prefer to work the bottom of the pole? Naturally I will perform the more challenging maneuvers at the top. But I'm flexible and we could do shift work for tip advantages. Just saying...

The Other Andrew said...

I'm normally more of a 'work the entire length of the pole' kind of guy, but sure...


(Eh, I think I'm coming down with a cold so a medicinal Cosmo could work a treat right about now.)

M-H said...

Never mind the pole, you guys, those shag pile stairs are really terrifying. I'm anticipating nightmares.

jason said...

What a cool link!!

non-Blondie said...

eep...what about splinters?

mrpeenee said...

I like the "paneling" which appears to have originated in a xerox copier.

yani said...

Is it wrong that I kinda like a few of the rooms on the flickr page? Maybe it's just the fact that they were FIERCE with the colour back then, and now it's all white and beige and blah...