Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Catching Death

The "coasting" I talked about yesterday turned into a bit of a slide instead, a slide into the start of coming down with some sort of bug. Sore throat, stuffy head, you know the drill. I slept for about 10 hours last night, which is very unusual for me but I feel better for it. I don't feel real bad, just a bit congested and a bit of a sore throat.

I know these things are caused by viruses. The part of me that still hears my mother's admonition that "You'll catch your death of cold." from wandering around in bare feet, can't help but wonder if the sudden swings from hot to cold weather we've been having haven't had some affect. Grammatical complexities aside. I'm still not convinced about the bare feet thing though...

So. Feeling a bit poorly, slept lots, missed episode 2 of Weeds (sadly) on account of extended sleeping behaviour, etc. Currently at work, and outlook slightly improved by cup of coffee and cracking open the gift tin of assorted biscuits from one of our clients.

Come to think of it, I had kicked my shoes off yesterday. Can you catch your death of anything wandering around in socks?...


Sunshine said...

Those were EXACTLY the same symptoms I had two weekends ago. Maybe the virus has been making its way down south. Blame the Queenslanders. :P

Michael said...

Or the Canadians.

Anything that taxes your system stasis could make you prone to a virus, like say, oh, I don't know, rapid shifts in temperature maybe?

I think you meant "effect".

If you could catch your death from wandering around in socks, my grandmother would never have lived to 86. Every night she would DO her feet. ::shudder:: That entailed washing, then lubing with Vaseline, then encasing them in some woolen socks, like a petroleum jelly poultice. Of course, she did have lovely toenails right to the bitter end.

The Other Andrew said...

Sunshine, you gave me this, right? Despite what Michael suggested, Canada is a bit too far to blame...

Michael, my system stasis is heavily taxed. BTW, I was eating my lunch when I read about your grandmother's feet. Not only is my system stasis now even more heavily taxed, but I think I threw up a little in my mouth.

Therin of Andor said...

We had an excursion to the Blue Mountains on the train last month. The weather was already threatening to be a roaster before we'd left the school, but one mother rushed up at the last minute with a jacket for her boy.

I was reminded of the old adage: "A jumper is something a child puts on when its mother is cold."

Anonymous said...

Weeds is cool... :P

I'm just sad the little pot dealing gay boy with the daddy fetish isn't a regular :P

The Other Andrew said...

Yeah Yani, I only found out that he was only in the pilot episode when I read the Wikipedia entry. He left to work on "War of the Worlds" apparently. Sad really.