Thursday, July 12, 2007

5 Life Lessons For A Thursday Morning

  1. Thursday morning hangovers are Not Good. For a start you can't console yourself with thoughts of "I just have to make it to the weekend".
  2. Does it mean you had a good time if you seem to have one less item of clothing the next morning? Ok, it's only a scarf but the principle still applies, right?
  3. On a cold, wintery, hangover morn the smell of bacon frying is extremely seductive. Like crack seductive. Even to vegetarians. (Or this one at least. But no, I didn't. I sure thought about it though...)
  4. Be sure and check the train station boards before boarding the train. Lest you might look out the window only to find your station whizzing past, as you are on an express train to parts unknown. (At least I got more of my Sudoku done.)
  5. Some mornings you notice someone checking you out and you think to yourself "That's nice. I've still got it going on." and then on other mornings, like this morning, you spot someone checking you out, notice the big fat wedding ring on the finger, and think to yourself "Eh, whatever."


Thombeau said...


But not recently, thank goodness!

Hang in there, kiddo...

The Other Andrew said...

Thanks. I'm rallying, thankfully. :)

Michael said...

The rally is the best. When you feel so damn good just because you don't feel so damn bad anymore. I think it's been years since I've been hungover, though.

You mention the RING....but was he so very DILF-y? Something about a dad. Is that a fetish?

Funny thing, I wear a simple silver band sometimes, flipping it around to different fingers....people look at that! You can see an assessment being made. L ring finger, R ring finger, R index finger.......mental note. Or am I imagining that?

The Other Andrew said...

How is it we always end up talking about your ring?...

Oh right, I see. The dude on the train station was not that DILFy. 50ish, navy pinstripe suit, but not in a good way. (Ay, so judgmental!) Whatevs. I always look to see if there is a ring on the finger. Can't help it. I know of some gay guys who wear rings, which is really sweet, but it still means TAKEN.

Michael said...

I always feel like R index finger denotes "I can be taken."

Unknown said...

Try some "Not Bacon" rashers or whatever the sanitarium ones are called. They are nothing close to the real thing, but it's surprising how comforting they can be after a hangover....

The Other Andrew said...

I tend to avoid 'pretend foods' (I can't believe it's not gluten!) but I might give these a try, because you're the second vegetabletarian to suggest these. Thanks.