Tuesday, July 10, 2007

More Blogflat Than Blogsphere

Does anyone else think that The Internetz has its own tides? Its own cycles and ebbs and flows? Biorhythms? I know I only dip my toe into one tiny corner of the blogsphere, but it seems like we're either all really firing, shooting out killer entries and polishing our sparkling wit, or else we're all kind of flat and uninspired?

Ok, that's a generalisation I admit (and apologies to those of you who are currently creating entries that shine like diamonds, and there are some of you) but I've been struggling with a lack of inspiration recently and it seems like I'm not alone. I'd like to blame the weather (it's certainly been miserable around these parts of late), or the spirits of the spheres and the ether, but it doesn't seem to be that simple, or that mysterious.

Maybe it's viral? Maybe we need to culture some fast replicating memes? A booster shot to innoculate ourselves against creeping ennui? To start a course of anti-boredom drugs to shore up our flagging inspiration?

This Stella needs to get her groove back.


Kenyo said...

Funny thing, just before I read this post of yours I was wondering why my posts and comments had been so dull and few lately. Like you I blamed the weather. I felt the weather had been too nice!

Thombeau said...
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Thombeau said...

Everything runs in cycles. What is the blogosphere but a manifestation of the collective cycles of humanity?

The ebb and the flow...neither is better than the other; neither would exist without the other!

yani said...

Actually it seems like more than a few of the blogs on my blogroll are either in "go slow" mode or else or semi-hiatus... which makes reading them all easier, but it less fun in actualality... and I'm not even sure why...

nash said...

Oh yes, I believe in those cycles. I've been a bit stuck in one myself lately (no "serious" blogging from me for weeks) and I've noticed a few others have too. F'rinstance, whatever happened to Laubscher? Glad to know you're keeping your end of the bargain, TOA