Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Specific Gravity

I woke up feeling lethargic and heavy limbed this morning, and feel like I've been dragging my butt around ever since. Like someone upped the gravity overnight without cueing me in on it. I'm still having some sleep 'issues'; which found me resisting falling alseep on the sofa at 9.30 last night (aided by a dull CSI re-run in part), then going to bed and reading until about 10.30, tossing and turning through the night and waking up this morning just as tired as when I went to bed.

After the frenetic past week at work, things have gone all quiet on the Western Front for the time being. I'm transitioning into my new job working directly for the Managing Director, but without anyone to replace my old position it means that I'm still doing my old job as well. The MD has gone away for a couple of days with all my frantically prepared presentations and offer documents in tow, so that's brought my work load down to a more manageable level. That, combined with the increased gravity and all, has left me sitting here staring heavy lidded at my monitor.

Even the blogsphere has been a little dull this morning. Case in point, right?


ilaiy said...

Nice blog ...


Anonymous said...

Awwww .... our poor sleep deprived, overworked and gravity challanged TOA (by the way, thats Tee-Oh-Ay, yaaayy, for me too Michael).

Methinks maybe you need a new assistant. Someone to bring you a nice cup of strong coffee in the morning and take some of that new workload of you. I am thinking a younger tall, dark and handsome anglo-Indian guy ...

Bodhi :-)
Sydney, Australia

PS. If its a case of no way for a TOA PA, then you will just have to settle for looking to order some more incense for the Centre sometime again very soon ;-) That should put a spring back into your step, and give you something pleasent to restfully dream about.

The Other Andrew said...

TOA PA? Yay!

I'd settle for short dark and lovely even. Mmm, incense vendors...