Friday, June 02, 2006

Accidentally Closeted

Have you ever found yourself in a situation that you didn't engineer, but find it hard to extricate yourself out of? Last week I mentioned my 'partner' to a work colleague here at my temp job, but then later in the conversation he mentioned 'my girlfriend' and it sort of passed me by without me really clocking it. A few sentences later I was like oh, wait on... but the moment had passed, and a nun had joined the conversation*, and well I let it slide. Now he's getting all hetero on me, mentioning my girlfriend all the time and pointing out women to me in magazines.

I mean, is he blind and deaf? Or just dumb?

* True, I'm currently working in a Catholic hospital.


Bodhi said...

Ahhh, but a few shorts weeks with the Catholic's, and suddenly he finds himself so far in the closet he's in Narnia ...


PS. I count two nuns amongst my friends. One is in her late 70's and the other recently turned 80. Both of them are well aware I am gay and, unlike the Church heirarchy, are completely cool with it. Gotta love da Nunny Bunnies.

Michael Guy said...

Andrew this post is just utter nun-sense.

.: bada bing! :.

Seriously WTF! I mean short of wearing the pride flag how do you get yourself out of this one!? Or is it a done deal anyway with this being a temporary assignment?

The Other Andrew said...

Today is my last day, so the nunsense/nonsense will end this afternoon! Being in the closet is HARD yo. :)

Anonymous said...

Is he dumb? Well if he's hetero, there's a very strong possibility!

Okay, my generalisations are over now. I understand this can be very awkward...

The Other Andrew said...

More funny than akward Tyson, I mean, I can 'pass' if I feel the need but I usually don't!! :) Actually, I suspect he might have twigged but maybe thinks I'm a terrible closet case... so doesn't know how to extricate himself from the situation he's in! It's quite amusing.

Miss Eudoxia said...

Maybe he is working on the same prinicpal my mother did.....swamp you in pictures and concepts involving the opposite sex and you will become normal!!!!!!!!...and they can continue to live in denial.

Ahhh well.... let them continue to live their sheltered lives while we all extract you from the closet :-)

Mikey (TLE) said...

First time for everything TOA. It happens with me with clients all the time. I have a rule. If I like the person enough that I would have a drink with them if I met them at a pub or bar, I set the straight (so to speak). If not, low care factor. BTW, I've been meaning to ask you. Do you and the boy want to join Steve and I for an evening of Hugh Jackman as The Boy From Oz in August?

Anonymous said...

I'm shocked. I'm not sure what's worse, the disbelief that you could find yourself back in the closet, or that you've eaten the cake and have gone online! ;)

Anonymous said...

Since I often feel like the token straight guy on your blog I feel a need to point out that I do *not* sit around work pointing out girls in magazine to my colleagues.

The Other Andrew said...

Yeah Rob, but that's why you're an honourary 'mo. Girlfriend.

Anonymous said...
